
Friday, March 23, 2012

New Promo Art Shows The Lizard Looking Like Crap

Here we go again. It seems that if you want to keep abreast of the latest developments in Superhero Movies, all you need to do is watch the merchandise tie-ins. It wasn't so long ago when Heroclix spoiled the enemy army in The Avengers, now we have Trends International stocking posters that show The Lizard in full view, even though the official movie trailer only showed silhouettes in order to keep people guessing.

The Lizard, after the cut:

Is it just me or does he look low budget? Like we're looking at The Lizard costume before they add the CG effects. Or maybe it's a version of The Lizard that will appear in the SyFy adaptation. Let's hope he looks better in the big screens. The Amazing Spider-man will open in UK Theaters on July 4, 2012.

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