
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Facebook to Put Yahoo in Its Place

It's no secret to anyone who follows the tech industry that Yahoo is in a decline, having lost the search engine market wars against Google, buying so many properties, only to close them down after finding out that the acquisitions don't make as much money as they expected.

Last month adds another notch to Yahoo's record of bad decisions, like, I dunno going after the Juggernaut Facebook on a patent issue, perhaps expecting the Social Media company to just settle in order to save money on the litigation process?

Well, it turns out Yahoo's gamble (and it is a gamble. Considering the situation) isn't working out too well, as Zuckerberg and his team decides to go on the offensive and file a lawsuit, in which Yahoo is accused of violating 10 of the social media giant's patents, with most of the patents touching a huge part of Yahoo's current business model.

The nitty gritty details can be found at CNET's report on the debacle.

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